
Camacho et al. 87
Camacho A., Chapman P., Ziemann D. (1987), I–APL Instruction Manual for PC Clones, I–APL Limited, St. Albans, Herts, England.

Dyadic Systems Ltd. 85
Dyadic Systems Limited (1985), Lynwood Dyalog APL User Guide, Dyadic Systems Limited, Farnborough, Hampshire, England.

Falkoff, Iverson 73
Falkoff A. D., Iverson K. E. (1973) ``The Design of APL'', IBM Journal of Research and Development, V17, N4, reprinted in: Falkoff A. D., Iverson K. E. (1981), A Source Book in APL, APL Press, Palo Alto.

Hohti, Kanerva 88
Hohti A., Kanerva O. (1988), ``Typesetting APL with TEX'', APL Quote Quad, V18, N3, p13–16.

IBM 85
IBM Corporation (1985), APL2 Programming: Language Reference, IBM Corporation, San Jose, California.

I.P. Sharp 85
I.P. Sharp Associates Limited (1985), SHARP APL/PC Handbook, I.P. Sharp Associates Limited, Toronto, Canada.

Iverson 63
Iverson K. E. (1963), ``Formalism in Programming Languages'', ACM Working Conference on Mechanical Language Structures, Princeton N.J., reprinted in: Falkoff A. D., Iverson K. E. (1981), A Source Book in APL, APL Press, Palo Alto.

Iverson 87
Iverson K. E. (1987), ``A Dictionary of APL'', APL Quote Quad, V18, N1.

Knuth 86
Knuth D. E. (1986), The TEXbook, Computers & Typesetting A, , Reading, Massachusetts.

Lamport 86
Lamport L. (1986), LATEX: A Document Preparation System, , Reading, Massachusetts.

Micro APL Ltd. 86
APL.68000 for the Apple Macintosh, Micro APL Ltd., London, England.

The University of Chicago Press 82
University of Chicago Press (1982), The Chicago Manual of Style 13th Edition, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA.